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“Quantum thermalization
and many-body localization”
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Time: |
Thursday, 15. June 2017 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support
- Video.mp4 (ca.450 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:25 |
Abstract :
How a closed
quantum system reaches thermal equilibrium is a fundamental question
in statistical
physics . Recent work has uncovered surprising richness in the thermalization
dynamics, suggesting
a new classification of quantum many-body systems into distinct
phases". On one end of the spectrum there are many-body localized states,
which fail to
thermalize and can retain accessible quantum correlations indefinitely.
On the other end
of the spectrum there are maximally chaotic systems, which saturate
a quantum bound
on how fast a system can scramble information. There are indication
for other classes
of quantum dynamics that reside between these two extremes.
The theoretical
developments highlight the need to develop new experimental and
tools that will allow to investigate these phenomena quantitatively.
In the first part
of the talk I will review progress made in understanding the many-body
localized phase
and phase transition theoretically and using experiments with ultra-cold
atoms. In the
second part I will introduce a novel approach for computing the
time evolution of
quantum many-body systems, which allows to captures both the
emergence of
chaos and the emergent hydrodynamic behavior at long times.
The future colloquium program can be found at: