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“The physics of jamming:
a journey from marble pebbles toward
scaling invariant field theory”
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26. April 2018 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support
- Video.mp4 (ca.372 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:15 |
Giorgio Parisi
Abstract :
Jamming is a well
know phenomenon that you have experienced when the traffic if very
heavy. You cannot
move because your neighbors block you and your neighbors cannot
move because you block them. Jamming is a collective phenomenon.
Marble pebbles on
the beach are one example of jamming.
However also for
well-levigated pebbles, friction will play an important role.
mechanics may be used to study the case of systems without friction.
The most studied
case is the hard sphere gas where the jamming point is reached in the
limit of infinite
pressure. In the case of frictionless jamming long-range correlations
are present: we
have a new kind of critical system.
Recently the
properties of the hard sphere gas have been analytically computed in the
framework of the
mean field approximation. Non-trivial critical exponents have been found.
The behavior of
the correlation functions at large distances has not yet computed
(it is
technically very challenging): at the end one should find a new scaling
field theory.