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“Quantum Error
Correction: Dream or Nightmare”
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Time: |
Thursday, 18. Oct. 2018 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support
- Video.mp4 (ca.376 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:15 |
(TU Delft)
Abstract :
In the '90
researchers in quantum information have developed a theory of quantum error
correction and
fault-tolerance. This theory shows that quantum mechanics can describe
the dynamics of
macroscopic objects, consisting of many elementary degrees of freedom,
given a
sufficient amount of physical control and a means for entropy removal.
We discuss the
ideas behind fault-tolerance and challenges towards realizing it, using
illustrations of
superconducting transmon qubit experiments.
We discuss the alternative
idea of encoding
qubits into oscillators. We present some of our recent work which
formulates a
scalable circuit-QED architecture based on such encoding.