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" Collective behavior in
animal groups: a statistical physics perspective "
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Thursday, 16. May 2019 |
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- Video.mp4 (ca.351 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:15 |
Irene Giardina
(Dept. of Physics & ISC-CNR, Sapienza University of
Abstract :
Many animal
aggregations display collective patterns on the large scale, ultimately
due to the
interactions between the individuals in the group. Recent findings on
flocks of birds
and swarms of insects show that these groups exhibit strong mutual
correlations and
quick mechanisms of information propagation, signatures of the
collective response to external perturbations. Besides, they obey static and
dynamic scaling
laws suggesting that we can use a statistical physics approach to
describe the
large scale, and define novel `classes' of behavior. I will review our
understanding of collective animal behavior and discuss how a physics based
perspective, from
experiments to modelling, can help to define a unified description
for these