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                                               ”Vortices and vortex strings in life and physics”




  Thursday, 17 Feb. 2022

    Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support

   - Video.mp4  (ca. 403 Mb)

 15:15 – 16:35



Speaker today:  Mikhail Shifman  (University of Minnesota)



I present a broad and largely non-technical review of vortex strings and their

various manifestations in physics.


Brief CV

Mikhail Shifman is Ida Cohen Fine Chair in Theoretical Physics, University of Minnesota.

He is member of the US National Academy of Sciences, and Fellow of the American

Physical Society. He has been awarded several prestigious prizes, including the

Dirac Medal of the ICTP 2016, the Pomeranchuk Prize 2013, Blaise Pascal Chair 2007,

the Lilienfeld Prize in 2006, the Sakurai Prize in 1999, and the Alexander-von-Humboldt

Award in 1993.


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