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                                           Lise Meitner Lecture 2020:

      “Quantum Simulations using Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices”




Thursday, 22 Sept 2022

    Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support

   - Video.mp4  (ca. 512 Mb)

 15:15 – 16:35



                                                     Immanuel Bloch

                                           (Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics, Garching)


40 years ago, Richard Feynman outlined his vision of a quantum simulator

for carrying out complex calculations of physical problems. Today, his dream

has become a reality and a highly active field of research across different

platforms ranging from ultracold atoms and ions, to superconducting qubits

and photons. In my lecture, I will outline how ultracold atoms in optical lattices

started this vibrant and interdisciplinary research field 20 years ago and now

allow probing quantum phases in- and out-of-equilibrium with fundamentally

new tools and single particle resolution. Novel (hidden) order parameters,

entanglement properties, full counting statistics or topological features can now

be measured routinely and provide deep new insight into the world of correlated

quantum matter. I will introduce the measurement and control techniques and

a few recent applications regarding quantum simulations of condensed matter

systems, namely the Fermi Hubbard model, which plays an essential role in the

context of High-Tc superconductivity, experiments on new dynamical phases

of matter, as well as topological systems.


More details here:




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