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Thursday, 28 Sept 2023 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support - Video.mp4 (ca. 450 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:25 |
Albanova colloquium:
“Chiral critical matter"
Leo Radzihovsky
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
Liquid crystals are fascinating materials
- quintessential condensed
matter exhibiting an array of complex
phases of fundamental scientific
interest and at the heart of liquid
crystal display revolution. I will
take the audience on a bit of a roller
coaster ride, pedagogically
discussing a recently discovered exotic
liquid crystal state, the
"heliconical nematic", that
exhibits a long sought-after spontaneous
chiral symmetry breaking. I will also
explain how low-energy physics of
some states of matter can be understood as
an emergent Higgs mechanism,
with critical fluctuations extending
throughout the low-temperature
"critical phase”.
About the speaker:
Leo Radzihovsky is a Professor of Physics
at the University of Colorado.
He got his Ph.D. at Harvard University in
1993. His distinctions include
Simons Investigator in Physics (since
2014), Miller Professor at Berkeley
(2008), Fellow of the American Physical
Society (2003), and the US
National Science Foundation CAREER Award (1996-2000).