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Thursday, 05 Oct. 2023 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support - Video.mp4 (ca. 409 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:15 |
“Static and dynamic
properties of helium droplets"
Dorte Blume
(Oklahoma State University)
Helium is the only element that remains
liquid under normal pressure down
to zero temperature. Below 2.17K, bulk
helium-4 is superfluid. Motivated
by this intriguing behavior, the
properties of finite-sized helium
droplets have been studied extensively over
the past 30 years or so. Some
properties of liquid helium-4 droplets
are, just as those of nuclei, well
described by the liquid drop model. The
existence of the extremely fragile
helium dimer was proven experimentally in
1994 in diffraction grating
experiments. Since then, appreciable
effort has gone into creating and
characterizing trimers, tetramers and
larger clusters. The excited state
of the helium trimer is particularly
interesting since it is an Efimov
state. The existence of Efimov states, which
are unique due to scale
invariance and an associated limit cycle,
was predicted in 1971. However,
till 2015, Efimov states had -- although
their existence had been
confirmed experimentally -- not been
imaged directly. Ingenious
experimental advances that utilize
femtosecond lasers have made it
possible to directly image the static
quantum mechanical density
distribution of helium dimers and trimers.
In addition, pump-probe
experiments yield insights into the
dynamics. This talk will highlight
recent theoretical work on the helium
dimer, helium trimer, and small
helium droplets.
About the Speaker:
Prof. Blume obtained her PhD in 1998 from
Göttingen followed by a postdoc
position in University of Colorado in
Boulder. She was at the Washington
State University from 2001 to 2017 and
since then is a Professor at
Oklahoma State University. She is also a
fellow of the American Physical
Society and a recipient of the Meyer
Distinguished Professorship at
Washington State University and the Bush
Lectureship at the University of
Oklahoma. Prof. Blume's research interests
fall in the area of cold atom
and few-body physics. Her group is
particularly interested in developing a
bottom-up understanding of quantum
mechanical systems and their
correlations in terms of a few key