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Thursday, 18 April 2024 |
Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support - Video.mp4 (ca. 492 Mb) |
15:15 – 16:30 |
Meitner Distinguished Lecture:
"Engineering a quantum frontier for atomic clocks and fundamental
Jun Ye
National Institute of Standards and Technology and University of Colorado)
Quantum state engineering, many-body
physics, and laser technology are helping
to increase the size of coherent quantum
systems and revolutionize the performance
of atomic clocks and metrology. A quantum
gas of strontium atoms loaded into
arrays of optical traps represents such a
system that combines the best measurement
precision and accuracy. Recent advances
include precise engineering of a spin
Hamiltonian to achieve a record clock
accuracy, determination of the gravitational
time dilation across a few hundred
micrometers, and employment and verification of
spin entanglement for clock comparison.
These progresses in quantum metrology
provide new insights into dynamical phases
of matter, and raise the prospect of
using the next generation of clocks to
search for new physics beyond the minimal
standard model and probe the interface of
gravity and quantum mechanics.
The Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture is
sponsored by Royal Swedish Academy
of Sciences through its Nobel Committee
for Physics.
brief CV
Jun Ye US National Institute of Standards
and Technology
JILA and Dept. of Physics, University of
Colorado at Boulder
Honors and Awards
Gold Medal (Optical Atomic Clock), US
Department of Commerce, 2022
Vannevar Bush Fellowship, Department of
Defense, 2022
Herbert Walther Award, German Physical
Society (DPG) and OPTICA (OSA),
Niels Bohr Institute Medal of Honour, 2022
Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics
(shared with H. Katori), 2022
Clarivate Analytics/Thomson Reuters,
Highly Cited Researcher (Top 1%),
every year from 2014 to 2022
Julius Springer Prize for Applied Physics,
Micius Quantum Prize (shared with C. Caves
and H. Katori), 2020
Norman F. Ramsey Prize, American Physical
Society (APS), 2019
Gold Medal (Atomic Clock Network), US
Department of Commerce, 2019
I. I. Rabi Award, IEEE, 2018
Foreign Member, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, 2017
Jacob Rabinow Award, National Institute of
Standards and Technology, 2017
Presidential Rank Award (US),
Distinguished, 2015
Gold Medal (Optical Atomic Clock), US
Department of Commerce, 2014
Rocky Mountain Eagle Award, 2014
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Investigator Award, 2013
Member, National Academy of Sciences (US),
Frew Fellow, Australian Academy of
Science, 2011
Gold Medal (Ultracold Molecules), US
Department of Commerce, 2011
European Frequency and Time Forum (EFTF)
Award, 2009
Gordon and Betty Moore Distinguished
Scholar, California Institute of
Technology, 2008
I. I. Rabi Prize, American Physical
Society (APS), 2007
Carl Zeiss Research Award, Germany, 2007
William F. Meggers Award, Optical Society
of America (OSA), 2006
Samuel Wesley Stratton Award, National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
Friedrich Wilhem Bessel Research Award,
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,
Germany, 2006
Fellow, Optical Society of America, 2006
First Prize (Technology Innovations),
Amazing Light: Vision for Discovery
(C. H. Townes), 2005
Fellow, American Physical Society, 2005