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 Thursday, 30 Mayl 2024

    Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support

   - Video.mp4  (ca. 450 Mb)

 15:15 – 16:30


     "Multiphoton Processes: Transforming an imaginative concept to

     high-impact technologies, from materials processing to biomedicine"


                                              Prof. Paras Prasad

                                                            (University at Buffalo)



The field of multiphoton processes, from purely theoretical and imaginative concept

of two-photon absorption conceived by Maria Goeppert Mayer -long considered

too weak to be of any practical significance- has transformed to practical

applications in Multiphoton Technology. This multidisciplinary field capturing

imagination and attention of scientists and engineers worldwide has transformed

the science and technologies for Micro/ nanofabrication, optoelectronics,

nanophotonics and biophotonics. In this talk the theoretical development and

multiscale modeling that made vital contributions to fundamental understanding of

multiphoton nonlinear optical properties of molecules and polymeric assemblies

at the very onset of the newly emerging field of organic nonlinear optics will be

introduced. This has provided clear pathways used in our laboratory to design and

produce organic and polymeric materials with large two-photon absorption cross-

sections ,even achieving population inversion leading to multiphoton lasing. Later

developments include the role of rich density of low-lying intermediate states in

twisted geometry chromophores, a radically new concept of metal cluster-mediated

microscopic cascading, and co-operative enhancement in multibranched organic

systems to dramatically amplify multiphoton processes.


Photoactive materials with large two-photon absorption have enabled us to

demonstrate practical applications such as 3D microfabrication and high-density

data storage, and to introduce and implement the concept of two-photon

photodynamic cancer therapy to treat thick tumors. Multiphoton nonlinear

microscopy is playing a vital role in high resolution and 3-D imaging of biological

structures and in advancing the emerging field of Neurophotonics.


Some new directions in chiral contribution to multiphoton processes in a chiral

polymeric medium in which electric and magnetic moments are naturally coupled,

and multiphoton processes in an epsilon-near-zero medium will also be presented.

The talk will conclude with a perspective on future challenges and opportunities

in this burgeoning scientific field.


About the Speaker:


Prof. Prasad holds the multidisciplinary position of SUNY Distinguished Professor

of Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering, and Medicine. He is the Samuel P.

Capen Chair of Chemistry and the Executive Director of the multidisciplinary

Institute for Lasers, Photonics and Biophotonics, which he founded in 1999.

His contributions in interdisciplinary research at the interface of photonics,

nanotechnology, and biomedicine have impacted healthcare, energy, and optical

technologies. Scientific American named him among the world’s top 50 science and

technology leaders. His many awards for research excellence include 2021 IEEE

Photonics Society William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award; IEEE Pioneer

Award in Nanotechnology; the American Chemical Society Peter Debye Award,

Morley Medal and the Schoellkopf Medal; SPIE’s highest honor of Gold medal;

Optical Society Michael Feld Biophotonics award; Western New York Health Care

Industries Technology/Discovery Award; SUNY Excellence in the Pursuit of

Knowledge award; UB’s first Innovation Impact award; UB President’s Medal;,

Guggenheim Fellowship; and Sloan Fellowship. He is an elected foreign fellow of

the Brazilian Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences, India, and

a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors. He is a fellow of APS, Optica (OSA),

SPIE, and IEEE, and was listed among Thompson Reuters “Highly Cited Researchers”

for 2014 & 2016. He has been awarded Honorary Doctorates from KTH in Sweden,

Aix-Marseille University in France, MEPhI in Russia, Federal University of

Pernambuco in Brazil and Indian Institute of Technology, Jodhpur.


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