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 Tuesday, 17 Sept 2024

    Video-Recording for any system with MP4-support

   - Video.mp4  (ca. 318 Mb)

 13:15 – 14:15


                                    "Illuminating the dark Universe:

            Precision cosmology from weak lensing and galaxy clustering"


                                                  Judit Prat Martí




In this colloquium, I will explore recent advancements in cosmology using weak

gravitational lensing and galaxy clustering, focusing on results from the Dark

Energy Survey (DES). I'll examine the current status of the ΛCDM model,

discussing its successes and emerging challenges, including hints of evolving

dark energy and tensions between early and late Universe probes.

 I will present the latest techniques for inferring cosmological information from

photometric galaxy surveys, emphasizing the power of combining multiple probes

in the "3x2pt" analysis. I'll then discuss current limitations in cosmological analyses,

along with future directions including the use of higher-order statistics through

simulation-based inference (focusing on persistent homology), data combination

strategies, and improved small-scale modeling. These advancements will offer

insights into how we can probe the dark Universe in this era of precision cosmology,

leveraging observations of the late-time universe from present and upcoming surveys.


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