Film Center / Archive-2008

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                                                  Exotic quantum states in two dimensions

                            Rotating Bose condensates and quantum Hall liquids


                                                            Susanne Viefers



                                                   Klein Auditorium, Albanova, November 27th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                 ”Free universities?"


                                                      Anders Flodström

                                                 (Swedish National Agency for Higher Education)


                                                   Klein Auditorium, Albanova, November 20th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                The (R)Evolution of thins film transistors


                                                  Professor Elvira Fortunato

                                                (Materials Science Department, Faculty of Sciences and

                                                            Technology of New University of Lisbon)


                                                   Klein Auditorium, Albanova, November 06th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                           Management of Breast Cancer


                                       Prof. Gert Auer and Prof. Hans Wiksell

                                                                             (Karolinska Institute)


                                  KTH Applied Physics seminars FA32, Albanova, November 06th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                            Status and Perspectives of Astroparticle Physics in Europe


                                                        Christian Spiering

                                                                             (DESY, Zeuthen)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, October 16th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                              Observational constraints for primordial mini black holes


                                                 Professor Marek Abramowicz



                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, October 09th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                           The 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics:


                       "for the discovery of the mechanism of spontaneous broken

                                                symmetry in subatomic physics"


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, October 07th 2008




                       Is the search for the origin of the highest-energy cosmic rays over?


                                                       Professor Allan Watson

                                         (School of Physics and Astronomy, Leeds University)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, October 02th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                             The Quantum Electrodynamics of Snowflakes, Ice skating,

                                             Exobiology and other such matters


                                                     Professor John Wettlaufer

                                                        (Nordita, on leave from Yale)


         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, September 25th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                             The constituent quark model.

                                           History and new challenges for QCD


                                                       Professor H.J. Lipkin

                                                            (Weizmann Institute)


         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, September 18th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                               The Large Hadron Collider and the Search

                                                            for Dark Matter


                                                                Anne Green

                                                         (University of Nottingham)


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  June 12th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                          WMAP and beyond


                                                                David Spergel

                                                              (Princeton University)


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  June 12th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                 Measuring Black Hole Spin


                                                     Professor Ramesh Narayan

                                                              (Harvard University)


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  June 05th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                          Klein-Gordon (Scalar) Particles in the Universe


                                                         Speaker : Helen Quinn

                                                              (Stanford University)


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  May 22th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                                          Water at biological membranes:

                                    structure, dynamics and biomolecular sensing


                                                 Speaker : Professor Mischa Bonn

                                   (FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Amsterdam, )


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  May 15th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                                   The puzzle of the evolutionary dynamics of influenza


                                                 Speaker : Professor Luca Peliti

                                                     (Università "Federico II", Napoli)


             Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  May 08th 2008


                                                                 For Live-recordings click here.




                        Emergent Phenomena in Condensed Matter and Particle Physics


                                                    Speaker : Edward Witten

                                               (Institute for Advanced Studies Princeton)


            Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  April 23th 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




                           Quantum jumps and open systems - from positive to negative

                                                     probabilities and back


                                               Professor Kalle-Antti Suominen

                                                           (University of Turku )


            Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  April 17th 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




                               Prehistoric demography and the spread of the Neolithic:

                                      mathematical models based on radiocarbon dates                                               


                                                    Professor Anvar Shukurov

                                                   (University of Newcastle upon Tyne)


            Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  April 10th 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




     Spin chains and strings in gauge theory


                                               Professor Konstantin Zarembo

                                                          (Uppsala University)


            Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  April 3th 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




               Turbulence and Dynamos




    Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  March 17th… 20, 2008


                                                      For this weeks Live-recordings click here.




Neutrino-less double-beta decay and WIMPs:

                 Will the search converge?


                                                              David Nygren

                                         (Berkeley California and Guest Professor at Fysikum)


        Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  March 13th, 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




       The VHE gamma-ray sky revealed: from H.E.S.S. to CTA


                                                    Prof. Werner Hofmann

                                                 (Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg)


        Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  February 21th, 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




                                             One-Electron Quantum Cyclotron:

                  A New Value for the Electron Magnetic Moment

            and the Fine Structure Constant


                                                    Professor Gerald Gabrielse

                                        (Leverett Professor of Physics, Harvard University)


        Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  February 14th, 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




                              Self-replicating patterns and information dynamics


                                                 Professor Kristian Lindgren

                                               (Chalmers University of Technology)


        Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  February 07th, 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.




                                          Professor A .V. Balatsky (Los Alamos)


        Klein Auditorium, Albanova,  January 17th, 2008


                                                              For Live-recordings click here.



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