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                                                       Geometry, light and a wee bit of magic


                                                               Ulf Leonhardt

                                                                     (University of St Andrews, UK)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 17th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                       Frequency Combs for Astrophysics


                                                               Thomas Udem

                                                     (Max Planck institute for quantum optics, Garching)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 03th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                         How to publish in Nature Physics


                                                         Andreas Trabesinger

                                                                   (Senior editor of Nature Physics)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 19th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                 Theory and Applications to Energy, Water, Catalysis,

                                               Materials Science, and Pharma


                                                      William A. Goddard, III

                                                                 (California Institute of Technology)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 12th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                     High intensity lasers:

                              Current applications and European developments


                                                          Mattias Marklund

                                                                             (Umeå University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 29th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                        Status report and review of Electric Solar Wind

                                                    Sail spacecraft propulsion


                                                             Pekka Janhunen

                                                                    (Finnish Meteorological Institute)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 22th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                          The Nobel prize in physics 2009


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 06th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                       2009 OSKAR KLEIN LECTURE:


                                                        My Life as a Boson


                                                               Peter Higgs

                                                                         (Edinburgh University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 01th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                         MANNE SIEGBAHN MEMORIAL LECTURE:


                          Experiments on the beta decay of highly-ionized atoms

                                        with challenging and puzzling results


                                                         Professor Fritz Bosch

                                                                               (GSI, Darmstadt)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 29th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                           Frustrated Magnetic Pyrochlores --


                 a Rich Playground for the Study of Exotic Collective Phenomena


                                                             Michel Gingras

                                    (University of Waterloo and Canadian Institute for Advanced Research)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 24th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                    Molecular mechanism underlying heavy ion therapy


                                                         Thomas Schlathölter

                                                         (University of Groningen, KVI Atomic Physics)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 17th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                           Structure and Flexibility of Biomembranes:

                          X-ray scattering using a non-crystallographic method


                                                        Professor John F. Nagle

                                                         (Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA )    


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 11th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                    Collisions of particles suspended in turbulent flows


                                                     Professor Bernhad Mehlig

                                                                            (Goteborg University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 04th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                 Learning the gendered culture of physics


                                                            Anna Danielsson

                                                                             (Uppsala University) 


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 28th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                      The Big Bang of the Human Brain - on the Making

                               of the Brain and the Emergence of Consciousness


                                                 Professor Hugo Lagerkrantz

                                                          (Professor of Pediatrics, Karolinska Institute)      


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 14th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                     Superconductivity through intra-atomic excitations


                                                                 Peter Fulde                                                                                                                                     (MPI for Complex Systems, Dresden)          


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 07th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                              First fermi results on cosmic ray electrons + intepretation


                                                Jan Conrad and Joakim Edsjö                                                                                                                                          (Stockholm University)                     


                                                                   FB54, Albanova, May 05th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                               What does quantum mechanics have to do with factoring?


                                                    Professor N. David Mermin                                                                                                                                             (Cornell University) 


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 23th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                             ITER and the Development of Fusion Energy


                                                     Professor James R. Drake                                                                                                                                        (Alfvén Laboratory, KTH)                 


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 02th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                              Celestial gamma-ray sources:

                                         First data from the Fermi Observatory


                                                             Greg Madejski                                                                                                                                                                  (Stanford)        


                                                                  FB55, Albanova, March 24th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                 Dual-readout calorimetry


                                                      Prof. Richard Wigmans                                                                                                                    ( J.F. Bucy Professor of Physics in Texas Yech University)                 


                                                        Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 19th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                Slow Light in Bose-Einstein Condensates:

                                         a New Paradigm for Quantum Control


                                                  Prof. Lene Vestergaard Hau                                                                                                                                            (Harvard University)


                                                        Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 12th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                          Can one understand turbulence ?


                                                            Antti Kupiainen

                                                                            (Helsinki University) 


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 5th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                     High-accuracy Penning trap mass measurements on

                                            exotic ions for fundamental studies


                                                           Prof. Klaus Blaum

                                                                    (Max Planck Institute, Heidelberg)           


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, February 19th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                                             Random trees


                                                           Žóršur Jónsson



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, February 05th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                         Dark Matter: Observational Status and Theoretical Challenges


                                                            Lars Bergström



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, January 22th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                             Everything you always wanted to know about non-Abelian

                                  quantum Hall states but were afraid to ask


                                                         Kareljan Schoutens

                                                                       (University of Amsterdam)                   


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, January 15th 2009


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.



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