
                                                           (Back to the menu - click here.)



            "Escher and the Droste effect”


                                                           Hendrik Lenstra

                                               (Mathematisch Instituut, Universiteit Leiden)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 12th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                      People and Places:

                         A legacy of nurturing the spirit of discovery in atomic physics


                                         Bill Phillips & Claude Cohen-Tannoudji

                                          (University of Maryland & École Normale Supérieure)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 07th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                 Julföreläsning - Michael Faradays 180- åriga tradition


                                           Carl-Olof Fägerlind & Max Kesselberg

                                                   (Hersby gymnasium / Stockholms universitet)


                                                                  at FD4, Albanova, Dec. 04th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                   Making the invisible visible

                           Magnetization dynamics & Future possibilities at MAX IV


                                                        Christoph Quitmann

                                                   (Director MAX IV Laboratory, Lund)


                                                                  at FD5, Albanova, Nov. 29th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


         Complex Brunn-Minkowski theory


                                                             Bo Berndtsson

                                                       (Chalmers tekniska högskola)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 21th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


             Spin Excitation Spectroscopy –

A Tool Set for Atomic-Scale Spin Systems

     (Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 25th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                                   Fiber lasers –

new developments, applications, and prospects


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 18th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.



               Quantum Chromodynamics, strings and black holes


                                                           E1Auditorium KTH, Albanova, Oct. 15th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                 SPECIAL COLLOQUIUM:


              Nobel Prize in Physics 2012


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 09th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


           The Top Ten Hubble Discoveries:

 Science Highlights of its First Two Decades


                                                              Bruce Balick

                                                    (University of Washington, Seattle)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 04th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.




                                                           Luciano Pietronero

                      (Institute of Complex Systems, CNR and Dept. of Physics, University Sapienza, Rome, Italy)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 27th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          EPS-QEOD 5th Europhoton Conference


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Aug. 30th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          How elementary particles get their masses


                                                               Estia Eichten



                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June. 14th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


             Tracking a complete cycle of a molecular voltage sensor

            with combinations of electrophysiology and simulation


                                                               Erik Lindahl

                                                              (KTH, AlbaNova)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May. 24th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                                          ÖPPEN FÖRELÄSNING

                                    Vintergatan blommar.

    Om rymdens färgsprakande nebulosor och de märkliga fenomen

             och formationer som uppstår när de slår ut i full blom.


                                                             Gösta Gahm

                                                         (Stockholms universitet)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May. 22th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          Whither a Statistical Physics of Climate ?

                  (Inauguration lecture for the Tage Erlander Guest Professorship)


                                                             J.S. Wettlaufer

                                                      (Yale University & NORDITA)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May. 21th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          Experiments with superconducting circuits;

  Dynamical Casimir effect and photon routing


                                                               Per Delsing

                                                            (Chalmers, Göteborg)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May. 10th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          Unravelling the history of the Milky Way


                                                             Sofia Feltzing



                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May. 03th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                          Cosmology and the Large Hadron Collider


                                                            Valery Rubakov

                                                 (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March. 22th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                            The Linné excellence center in Advanced Optics and Photonics

                                                   -- Who, what, and why  -- ?


                                                              Gunnar Björk

                                                              (KTH, AlbaNova)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March. 08th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                                                     Professor emeritus Gösta Ekspong


                 the founder of the group at Fysikum (1960) and experimental elementary

                 particle physics in Sweden, will give an extra seminar today…


                      "FRONTIER PHYSICS IN THE 1950's


Gösta Ekspong took part in the discovery of the pi zero and the antiproton

during the 50's. At CERN he started with emulsion technique and ended with

the DELPHI experiment at the Large Electron Positron collider.

He was a member of the Nobel committee for Physics during many years at KVA.


                                                                        Albanova, Feb. 27th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                            Bell's theorem, entanglement, quantum teleportation and all that


                                                              Tony Leggett

                                               (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 16th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                            Solving Gauge and String Theories with Integrable Spin Chains


                                                              Niklas Beisert

                                              (Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 02th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


             Nanoscopy with focused light


                                                             Stefan W. Hell

                                               (MPI for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 19th 2012


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.



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