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                                           “The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physics”


            Moderator: Eva Lindroth

                    (Stockholms University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 07th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                 “Challenging Matter-Antimatter Symmetry:

                   High-Precision Comparisons of the Fundamental Properties

                                           of the Antiproton and the Proton”


                 Speaker:  Stefan Ulmer



                                                    Waiting for approval….


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 06th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                               “The Quest for the Axion”


            Speaker:  Andreas Ringwald



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 29th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


             “There is plenty of room at the bottom… but even more in a fractal”


        Speaker:  Cristiane Morais Smith

                      (Utrecht University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 22th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                    “OpenSpace – Visualizing the Universe”


            Speaker:  Anders Ynnerman

                     (Linköping University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 15th 2018


                                                    Waiting for approval….

                                                                     Recordings will be here.


             Fysikum Public Lectures:

                                                   “Kosmiska fotbollar”


            Speaker:  Michael Gatchell

                          (Fysikum, SU)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov 08th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                             “Do extra dimensions exist ?”


           Speaker:  Konstantin Zarembo



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 08th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                 Latest from IceCube:

                               “Evidence of Cosmic Neutrinos from a Blazar”


                 Speaker:  Chad Finley

                    (Stockholm University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 01th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                         “Thermodynamics and Information at the nanoscale”


                 Speaker:  Janet Anders

                        (Exeter University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 25th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                          “Quantum Error Correction: Dream or Nightmare”


               Speaker:  Barbara Terhal

                            (TU Delft)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 18th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


             Fysikum Public Lectures:

                   “Neutrino Astronomy with a Telescope in Antarctica's Ice”


                  Speaker:  Chad Finley

                          (Fysikum, SU)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 11th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                   Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture 2018:


         “Integral field spectroscopy and the exploration of the high redshift Universe”


               Speaker:  Roland Bacon

               (CRAL, Observatoire de Lyon)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 11th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                               “KTH Space Rendezvous”




                                               KTH, lecture hall E1, Lindstedtsvägen 3, Oct. 09th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                             “The statistical physics of evolutionary predictions”


                Speaker:  Michael Lässig

                      (University of Cologne)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 04th 2018

                                                              Recorded… waiting for approval !



                              “Presentation on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2018”


                Speaker:  Mats Larsson



                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 02th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                   “Quantum Darwinism versus spectrum broadcast structure”



           Speaker:  Ryszard Horodecki

                     (University of Gdansk)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 27th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.




                                           Modelling collective cell motion


                Speaker:  Philip Maini



                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 26th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


              “From collective animal behaviour to collective motion of football”


               Speaker:  David Sumpter

                      (Uppsala University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 20th 2018

                                                            Recorded… waiting for approval !


                       “Fundamental Constraints for Fundamental Theories”


                Speaker:  Rachel Rosen

                      (Columbia University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 13th 2018

                                                            Recorded… waiting for approval !


          “Molecular mechanism and robustness of rotary catalysis of F1-ATPase”


                Speaker:  Hiroyuki Noji

                      (University of Tokyo)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 06th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                            “Creation and Destruction through Exploding Stars”


              Speaker:  Robert Kirshner

                      (Harvard University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 31th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                   The Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture


                                “The art of taming light: What we can learn

                                          from a bacterium… and beyond”


         Speaker:  Lene Vestergaard Hau



                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 31th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.




               Speaker:  Matteo Marsili



                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 03th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                         “The physics of jamming:

             a journey from marble pebbles toward scaling invariant field theory”


               Speaker:  Giorgio Parisi

             (University of Rome "La Sapienza")


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 26th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                         “Planet formation and evolution:

                  key processes to understand the diversity of planetary systems”


         Speaker:  Alessandro Morbidelli

               (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 19th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                    “Nanophotonics in the relativistic realm”


                 Speaker:  Laszlo Veisz

                       (Umeå University)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 12th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


           “The quest for neutrinos beyond the Sun - recent results from IceCube”


                 Speaker:  Olga Botner



                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 05th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                “The Quantum Way of Doing Computations”


                 Speaker:  Rainer Blatt



                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 15th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                             “The Measurement of Time in the 21st Century”


           Speaker:  Christophe Salomon

                  (Ecole Normale Supérieure)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 22th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.



                                                “Network Data Analysis”


                 Speaker:  Sofia Olhede

                  (University College London)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 07th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                   “Left and Right: The Mechanics of Chirality from Darwin’s

                                        Perversion to Feynman’s Obsession”


                 Speaker:  Alain Goriely

                      (University of Oxford)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 01th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.


                       “Topological superconductors and Majorana fermions”


        Speaker:  Annica Black-Schaffer

                       (Uppsala University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 18th 2018

                                                                       Recordings are here.



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