
                                                           (Back to the menu - click here.)


                     Photonics for the Biosciences and Health:

                         In Vivo and Microscopic Information


                   Speaker:  Kevin Webb

                        (Purdue University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 17th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


         Öppna föreläsningar Albanova



                        Michael Faradays 180-åriga tradition



                                     Carl-Olof Fägerlind

                            (lärarfortbildare och fysiklärare vid Hersby gymnasium)


                                                  Max Kesselberg

                                           (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)            


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 8th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



Panel discussion on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2015


                 Moderator: Mats Larsson


        Speakers: Ed Kearns and Dave Wark

  (Super-Kamiokande and SNO)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 8th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                        Nonequilibrium dynamics of fermions:

          from resonant Xray scattering in solids to ultracold atoms


                 Speaker:  Eugene Demler

                        (Harvard University)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 03th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


Controlling and Exploring Quantum Matter at the Single Atom Level


                 Speaker:  Immanuel Bloch

            (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 26th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


         Öppna föreläsningar Albanova


                 Optical microscopy: the resolution revolution


                  Speaker:  Stefan W Hell

                  (Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 20th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



         Öppna föreläsningar Albanova


                                    Med periferin i fokus


               Speaker:  Linda Lundström

                                 (KTH, Stockholm)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 19th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



           Neutron stars: simple considerations and recent progress


                  Speaker:  Chris Pethick

                 (Nordita and Niels Bohr Institute)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 19th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                 Fysikum Public Lectures


   Ljus - från himlafenomen till användbart verktyg med dubbelnatur


 Speaker:  Eva Lindroth

                              (Stockholm universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 12th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



                   Long-range quantum entanglement in metals


                  Speaker:  Subir Sachdev



                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 12th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                         Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture:


                   Quantum Teleportation, Entanglement, and

                         Einstein’s Question “What is Light?”


                 Speaker:  Anton Zeilinger

                        (University of Vienna)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 05th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                        Einstein’s theory of general relativity


                 Speaker:  Michael Kramer

         (Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, Bonn)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 05th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.




                              "A calculus for knot theory"


                   Speaker:  Kathryn Hess

          (EPFL, Schweiz)


                                                         Lecture hall FD5, Albanova, Nov. 04th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                           Arnold Tongues in Cell Dynamiccs


                  Speaker:  Mogens Jensen

                 (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 29th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


           Studying topological materials using Terahertz radiation


                  Speaker:  Matthias Hudl

                  (Molecuar Physics Division, SU)


                                                                  FE21, Albanova, Oct. 26th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


            The 2015 Nobel Prize in Physics


                    Speaker:  Per Carlsson



                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 6th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.




                                    “Self-avoiding motion”


               Speaker:  Gregory F. Lawler

   (University of Chicago, USA)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept 16th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                               SKA Key Science Workshop:


     Monday, 24. Aug 2015

    Thursday, 27. Aug 2015



             Binary neutron star mergers and numerical relativity


                  Speaker:  Masaru Shibata

        (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Aug. 20th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


   Physics in 100 years


                  Speaker:  Frank Wilczek



                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 11th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


Many Body Localization


                  Speaker:  Shivaji Sondhi

                                                     (Princeton University)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 21th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.




              Analytic and combinatorial aspects of the Non Linear

                        Schroedinger equation (NLS) on a torus


                 Speaker:  Claudio Procesi

   (Univ. di Roma, La Sapienza)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 20th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


               Wandering amongst Feynman Diagrams for strongly correlated fermions


                 Speaker:  Nikolay Prokofev

                                                (University of Massachusetts)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 07th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                                                 Type-1.5 superconductivity:

             recent experimental evidence and candidate materials


                 Speaker:  Egor Babaev



                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 23th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                                                   Squish, buckle and break:

                                  some pattern formation problems in soft matter


                 Speaker:  John Wettlaufer

                                                        (Nordita and Yale)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 16th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.




                Continuous Combinatorics


              Speaker:  Alexander Razborov

       (University of Chicago)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 18th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


             Zooming in on star and protoplanetary disk formation


                  Speaker:  Åke Nordlund

      (Niels Bohr Insititute and Centre for Star and Planet Formation, University of Copenhagen)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 12th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


            Nordita Astrophysics Seminars (March 09th-13th 2015)

     Preliminary program:

We plan to organize 8 sessions with talks and discussions and one last summarizing session.

In each of the session we will try to have observational, theoretical and simulation points of view.

Most of the talks will be 30 minutes long. Additional contributions will be accommodated as shorter

talks or postes. There will be a discussion session at the end of each day.


                                                           Recordings will be posted every evening  here.



Our Accelerating Universe and Modified Gravity


               Speaker:  Claudia de Rham

                    (Case Western Reserve University)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 05th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                        A thermodynamic route to the quantum-to-classical transition


              Speaker:  Mauro Paternostro

                           (Queen’s University Belfast)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 26th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                 Fysikum Public Lectures


                 Studier av energi omvandlingar vid gränsytor


 Speaker:  Anders Nilsson

                        (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 19th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.





           Operator theory and applications: a successful interplay


                Speaker:  Christiane Tretter

              (Universität Bern and Stockholms Universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 04th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



                 Fysikum Public Lectures


                           ATLAS-experimentet vid CERN


Speaker:  Sara Strandberg

                        (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 29th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



                                                Validation of quantum devices


Speaker:  Matthias Troyer

                                        (ETH Zürich)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 29th 2015


                                                                           Recordings are here.



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