
                                                      (Back to the menu - click here.)


                      "Julföreläsning - Michael Faradays 190-åriga tradition"



                                       Speakers: Carl-Olof Fägerlind & Max Kesselberg



                                                                 Albanova,  Dec 07th 2023

                                                            Recordings (Part1 & 2) are here.


                                  "ESS towards First Neutron Production"



                                                             Speaker: Prof. Håkan Danared

                                             (European Spallation Source in Lund)


                                                                 Albanova,  Nov 30th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.



                         "Positive solutions of parametric polynomial systems

                                      and biochemical reaction networks"





                                                                         Speaker: Elisenda Feliu

                                                  (University of Copenhagen)


                                                                 Albanova,  Oct. 11th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                               Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture 2023:

       "Gravitational-Wave Astronomy: Theoretical Advances and Challenges"





                                                              Speaker: Alessandra Buonanno

                          (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute))


                                                       Colloquium, Albanova,  Nov 23th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                                "Small particles, big impacts – stories on

                                 atmospheric aerosol particles and clouds"



                                                                        Speaker: Prof. Ilona Riipinen

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                             Zoom-Meeting from FR4, Albanova,  Nov 09th 2023

                                                                    Information is here.


                                              OKC colloquia:

                          "Echos of the Early Universe in Axion Haloscopes"



                                                                                    Speaker: Nick Rodd

                                          (Dep. of Theoretical Physics, CERN)


                                                               Albanova,  Oct 24th 2023

                                                                    Information is here.


                               Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture 2023:

             "Imaging Supermassive Black Holes: From Still Images to Video"





                                                           Speaker: Prof. Sheperd Doeleman

                                   (Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian and

                                          Founding Director of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT))


                                                                 Albanova,  Oct 12th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.



                         "Positive solutions of parametric polynomial systems

                                      and biochemical reaction networks"





                                                                         Speaker: Elisenda Feliu

                                                  (University of Copenhagen)


                                                                 Albanova,  Oct. 11th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                                 "Entanglement Detection and Applications"



                                                            Speaker: Prof. Mohamed Bourennane

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                             Zoom-Meeting from FR4, Albanova,  Oct 05th 2023

                                                                    Information is here.


                              Static and dynamic properties of helium droplets



                                                               Speaker: Prof. Dorte Blume

                                                (Oklahoma State University)


                                                                 Albanova,  Oct. 05th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                                              “Nobel Colloquium 2023"



                                               Speakers: David B Haviland & Mats Larsson

                                            (The Nobel committee for Physics)


                                                                 Albanova,  Oct. 03th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Albanova colloquium: “Chiral critical matter"



                                                            Speaker: Prof. Leo Radzihovsky

                                            (University of Colorado at Boulder)


                                                                 Albanova,  Sept 28th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


               "Visualizing Many Body Quantum States in Magical Flat Bands"



                                                                   Speaker: Prof. Ali Yazdani

                                                     (Princeton University)


                                                                 Albanova,  Sept 21th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                                         Fysikdagarna 2023



                                                            Albanova,  June 14th -15 th 2023

                                                          Information + Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                            "Fysik vid låg temperatur och starka magnetfält"



                                                                              Speaker: Andreas Rydh

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                            On Zoom-Meeting only, Albanova,  June 08th 2023

                                                                    Information is here.


                              "A tale of two black holes: Sgr A* and M87*"



                                                                       Speaker: Sera Markoff

                                        (API/GRAPPA, University of Amsterdam)


                                                                 Albanova,  May 25th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                  "Quantum gravity, chaos, complexity and statistical physics"



                                                                   Speaker: Prof. Jan de Boer

                         (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam)


                                                                 Albanova,  May 11th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                                "Kosmologi och det ursprungliga eldklotet"



                                                                       Speaker: Jón Gudmundsson

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                                     Zoom-Meeting, Albanova,  May 04th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                                  "Explaining the simplicity of the cosmos"



                                                                          Speaker: Neal Turok

                                              (University of Edinburgh, UK)


                                                               Albanova,  April. 20th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                            "Observability of short-period rocky exoplanets"



                                                                         Speaker: Yamila Miguel

                                                     (Leiden Observatory)


                                                               Albanova,  April. 13th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                   "Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture: Quantum Computing"



                                                                         Speaker: Peter Shor

                                                (Applied Mathematics at MIT)


                                                               Albanova,  March. 30th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                          "Seeing the High-Energy Universe with Neutrinos"



                                                                         Speaker: Chad Finley

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                                     Zoom-Meeting, Albanova,  March 30th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

   "Från exploderande stjärnor till universums mystiska expansion och innehåll"



                                                                         Speaker: Edvard Mörtsell

                                                          (SU /Fysikum)


                                                     Zoom-Meeting, Albanova,  March 09th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                 "Greenland ice cores tell tales on past sea level contributions"



                                                                      Speaker: Dorthe Dahl-Jensen

                                                   (Copenhagen University)


                                                               Albanova,  March. 02th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                          "Mathematics-Physics section celebration evening"



                                                           Albano-Campus,  Feb. 16th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.


                              Öppen föreläsning – Fysikum:

                                     "Att testa kvantmekanikens gränser"



                                                                           Speaker: Sofia Qvarfort

                                                          (SU / Nordita)


                                                     Zoom-Meeting, Albanova,  Feb. 09th 2023

                                                                     Recordings are here.



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