
                                                           (Back to the menu - click here.)


      Superfluidity and Symmetry Breaking:

               Past Glories, New Frontiers


                   Speaker:  Frank Wilczek



                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec 12th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.





             Panel discussion with Prof. Englert and Prof. Higgs


  Speakers:  Sten Hellman, Bengt Lund Jensen

             (SU and KTH)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec 07th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


  New Particle Physics above LHC energies?

  Hints from Ultrahigh Energy Cosmic Rays


                   Speaker:  Glennys Farrar

         (New York University)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec 05th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                   "Faraday föreläsning"


          Max Kesselberg & Carl-Olof Fägerlind


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 03th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                  "Analysis on Polydiscs"


                   Speaker:  Kristian Seip

(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)


                                                           Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 27th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


              Exotic atoms - tools to study

   fundamental interactions and symmetries


              Speaker:  Eberhard Widmann

                  (Stefan Meyer Institute, Vienna)


                                                                 FB53, Albanova, Nov. 19th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


       Biophotonics and Nanobiotechnology:

Impact on Health Care


Speaker:  Paras N. Prasad

             (State University of New York at Buffalo)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 13th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


  Will silicon matter for future technologies?


Speaker:  G. Aeppli

                 (London Centre for Nanotechnology, University College London)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 31th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                                            Higgs boson:

            Foundations and implications of a very special discovery

           (Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture)


                 Speakers:  Fabiola Gianotti and Joseph Incandela

                (CERN (FG) and University of California, Santa Barbara/CERN (JI))


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 17th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


           The Euclidean Distance Degree of an Algebraic Variety

                       (SMC colloquium)


                                                          Bernd Sturmfels

                                                         (University of California)


                                                               B2 (KTH Campus), Oct. 09th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                      *** The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 ***


                                          awarded jointly to


        François Englert and Peter W. Higgs


                                       Speaker:  Lars Brink

                                (Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 08th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


           Alumnverksamheten och aktuell forskning Fysikum



                                                               FA32 (Fysikum), Oct. 03th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                  Fluctuation Phenomena in Superconductors


                                        Andrey Varlamov

          (Institute of Superconductivity and Innovative Materials (CNR-SPIN) Rome, Italy)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 03th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                  Making a spin-difference with ultracold gases


                                                             Päivi Törmä

                     (Aalto University, Finland)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 26th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                            An Lp theory for outer measures.

            Application to singular integrals.

     Two themes of Lennart Carleson united.


                                                           Christoph Thiele

                                                    (Hausdorff Center for Mathematics)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 25th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                              Nordita Program Colloquium:

            “The gestalt of strongly correlated superconductivity”


                                                             Seamus Davis

                 (Brookhaven Nat. Lab. / Cornell University / St. Andrews University)


                                                         Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Aug 23th 2013


                                                                           Recordings are here.


                            Highlights from EPS HEP 2013


                                                                Aula Magna,SU, July 20-24th 2013


                                                                          Recordings are here.


  Collective dynamics in supercritical fluids:

     Can one discriminate between the “liquid-like” and “gas-like” types of dynamics?


                                                               Taras Bryk

      (Institute of Condensed Matter Systems, Ukraine Academy of Sciences, L'viv, Ukraine)


                                                      FD5 (Svedberg salen), Albanova, June 18th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                         Recent Higgs Results from the LHC


                                                              Heather Gray



                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 13th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                   IceCube and the Most Energetic Neutrinos

       in the Universe


                                                              Chad Finley

                    (Stockholm University, OKC)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 30th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                 Polariton Condensation and Collective Dynamics


                                                           Peter Littlewood

       (Argonne National Laboratory, University of Chicago)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 23th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                         Cosmology from the Planck satellite


                                                           Joanna Dunkley

         (Oxford University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 16th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                               Critical Multiplicative Chaos


                                                            Antti Kupiainen

        (University of Helsinki)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 15th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                                  Trapped antihydrogren:

                 the ALPHA antihydrogen experiment at CERN


                                                               J.S. Hangst

    (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University,

          and Spokesperson, the ALPHA Collaboration at CERN)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 07th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                        Quest for the Smallest Possible Laser


                                                            Yong-Hee Lee

         (Department of Physics, KAIST, Daejon, Korea)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 18th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                                ÖPPEN FÖRELÄSNING:

                            Exoplaneter och liv i universum.

         Om liv andra planeter och möjligheten att upptäcka det.


                                                         Alexis Brandeker

      (Stockholms universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 11th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                            Vad är allmän relativitetsteori ?


                                                               Sören Holst

(Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 09th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


      Angular-resolved fs Photoelectron Spectroscopy of Fullerenes:

                            giant atoms or hot metal spheres?


                                                         Eleanor Campbell

                                                       (The University of Edinburgh)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 04th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                      The Maxwell Demon: A Personal View


                                                         Juan MR Parrondo

                                                     (Complutense University of Madrid )


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Mar. 21th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                         AlbaNova Instrumentation seminar:

               DESIREE - a new research instrument at AlbaNova


                                                          Henrik Cederquist

                                             (Department of Physics, Stockholm University)


  FA31, Albanova, Mar. 21th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                               Electronic structure theory,

   from data-mining to correlated electrons


                                                             Olle Eriksson

                                                             (Uppsala University)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Mar. 07th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                            Öppen föreläsning Albanova:


   Hur funkar Higgs?”


                                                          Katarina Bendtz

                                                    (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 12th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


                 Search for permanent Electric Dipole Moments


                                                          Frank Rathmann

                             (on behalf of the srEDM and JEDI collaborations; Forschungszentrum Jülich)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 07th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


              Classical Lie algebras contra

               infinite-dimensional positively graded Lie algebras


                                                            Jan-Erik Roos

                                                             (SMC colloquium)


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 06th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


     New Frontiers in Quantum Simulation with Cold Atoms and Ions:

Prospects of Simulating Lattice Gauge Theories


                                                               Peter Zoller

                    (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Innsbruck, and Institute for Quantum Optics and

                                    Quantum Information of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Innsbruck, Austria )


                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 04th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.


  "DNA Electronic Fingerprints by Local Spectroscopy on Graphene


                                                         Alexander Balatsky



                                                          Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 31th 2013


                                                                  For Live-recordings click here.



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