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                                                    Albanova Lucia-2016



                                                                    Albanova, Dec. 13th 2016


                            Panel discussion on the Nobel Prize in Physics 2016


                Speaker:  Egor Babaev



                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 08th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




                              "Geometry and Combinatorics via Finite Fields"



                 Speaker:  Karen Smith

                                                       (University of Michigan)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 07th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


      Öppna föreläsningar på Albanova



                   ”Michael Faradays 180-åriga tradition”











                                   Carl-Olof Fägerlind

                         (lärarfortbildare och fysiklärare vid Hersby gymnasium)


                                                Max Kesselberg

                                        (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                  (This year’s event will not be recorded.)


                                                 “The Search for Axions”


                                  Speaker:  Pierre Sikivie

                          (University of Florida)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 05th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                               “Mining the Air at the Edge of the Internet”



                              Speaker:  Scott Kirkpatrick



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Dec. 01th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


              “Augmenting Reality: Axions, Anyons, and Entangled Histories”


                                Speaker:  Frank Wilczek



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 24th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


     “The Atomic Force Microscope - 30 years of development in nanoscience”


                                Speaker:  David Haviland



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 17th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


              Fysikum Public Lecture


     Hur radioaktivitet och joniserande strålning räddar liv


                               Speaker: Emely Lindblom

                 (Stockholms Universitet, Fysikum)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 10th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                    “Attosecond physics and the dream of an electron movie”


                                 Speaker:  Eva Lindroth

                          (Stockholm University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 10th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


           “Water, honey and electrons - evidence for electronic hydrodynamics

        in naturally occurring materials”


                               Speaker:  Andy Mackenzie

                                      (Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden &

School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Nov. 03th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                        Niels Bohr and the Nobel Prize”


                                 Speaker:  Mats Larsson

                          (Stockholm University)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 27th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




             "Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Critical Percolation"


                   Speaker:  Jeff Steif

                                                (Chalmers University of Technology)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 26th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                               The 2017 Manne Siegbahn Memorial Lecture


                        Searching for – and finding! gravitational waves”


                             Speaker:  Gabriela Gonzalez

             (Louisiana State University, for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration).


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 20th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                      Comets, Rosetta and the origin of the solar system”


                                   Speaker:  Willy Benz

                             (University Bern)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 13th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


              Fysikum Public Lecture


                  Quantum computation with trapped ions


                              Speaker: Markus Hennrich

                 (Stockholms Universitet, Fysikum)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 06th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                 Surprises in (strong/non linear) gravity”


                                  Speaker:  Luis Lehner

                            (Perimeter Institute)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 06th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


        The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics


                Speaker:  Hans Hansson



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Oct. 4th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                         What drives weather changes”


                             Speaker:  Gregory Falkovich

                           (Weizmann Institute)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept 29th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




                                    "Taming infinities"


             Speaker:  Martin Hairer

                                                       (University of Warwick)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept. 28th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


             Irreversibility, information and the second law of thermodynamics

                                                       at the nanoscale


                              Speaker:  Chris Jarzynski



                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept 15th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                The importance of large deviations in non-equilibrium systems


                              Speaker:  Bernard Derrida

    (Collège de France and Ecole Normale Supérieure)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Sept 08th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


             GW150914 and the next theoretical challenges

                      in gravitational-wave observations


                         Speaker:  Alessandra Buonanno

                          (Albert Einstein Institute)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 09th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                    The Lise Meitner Distinguished Lecture


                                                  Defects with Character:

Zero-Energy Majorana Modes in Condensed-Matter Systems


                            Speaker:  Bertrand I. Halperin

                             (Harvard University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 02th 2016


                                                                        Recordings are here.




        "Complex, tropical and non-Archimedean geometry"


             Speaker:  Mattias Jonsson

                                                           (Univ of Michigan)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, June 01th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


 The 2015 Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture


                Gravitational Waves: The Physics and Astrophysics of LIGO


                                Speaker:  Kip S. Thorne

                 (California Institute of Technology)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 27th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                                   Understanding friction at the nano scale


               Speaker:  Astrid de Wijn

     (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 19th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


        Cauchy's almost forgotten Lagrangian formulation of the Euler equation

                         for 3D incompressible flow and modern perspectives


               Speaker:  Uriel Frisch

                 (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, May 12th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


            Critical price impact and the intrinsic fragility of financial markets


    Speaker:  Jean-Philippe BOUCHAUD

                   (Capital Fund Management (Paris) and Ecole Polytechnique)


                                                     Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April. 28th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




       "Towards the global bifurcation theory on the plane"


             Speaker:  Yulij Ilyashenko

                (Cornell Univ, Indep. Univ of Moscow, National Research Univ Higher School Economy)


                                                   Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April 27th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


      Extrasolar Planets: From hot-Jupiters to cool Earths


                Speaker:  Heike Rauer

    (Institut für Planetenforschung, DLR, Berlin-Adlershof and

        Zentrum für Astronomie und Astrophysik, TU Berlin)


                                                        Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April. 21th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


           Optical manipulation and bio-applications of plasmonic nanoparticles


         Speaker:  Lene B. Oddershede

                          (Niels Bohr Institutet)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April. 14th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                              Black Hole Astrophysics


             Speaker:  Ramesh Narayan

                              (CfA, Harvard)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, April. 07th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


              Fysikum Public Lecture




                                 Speaker: Svante Jonsell

                         (Stockholms Universitet)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March. 17th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                          The Physics of Star Formation


             Speaker:  Thomas Henning

                            (MPIA Heidelberg)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March. 17th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


                          Explosions from Neutron Stars


                 Speaker:  Anna Watts

                        (Amsterdam University)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March. 10th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




                       "(Higher) representation theory"


       Speaker:  Volodymyr Mazorchuk

   (Uppsala Universitet)


                                                    Klein Auditorium, Albanova, March 09th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


     Accuracy of genetic code translation by transfer RNAs

            on the messenger RNA programmed ribosome


             Speaker:  Måns Ehrenberg

                           (Uppsala University)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 25th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


              Fysikum Public Lecture


                    Framtidens hållbara energilösningar


              Speaker:  Anders Nilsson

                         (Stockholms Universitet)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 18th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.




              "Knot contact homology, Chern-Simons, and topological strings"


               Speaker:  Tobias Ekholm

    (Uppsala Universitet)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 10th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


The 2015 Oskar Klein Memorial Lecture


         Unavoidable distortions in the spectrum of CMB and

                 the Blackbody Photosphere of our Universe


         Speaker:  Prof. Rashid Sunyaev

                        (Director, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching)


                                                       Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Feb. 4th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.


      Öppna föreläsningar på Albanova


                        ATLAS-experimentet vid CERN –

 vad kan en miljard protonkollisioner lära oss om universum?


            Speaker:  Sara Strandberg

                                       (Fysikum, Stockholms universitet)


                                                      Klein Auditorium, Albanova, Jan. 28th 2016


                                                                       Recordings are here.



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